MemoQ Resources

This directory recaps all the MemoQ-related publications made on Loc’d and Loaded, as well as a few bonuses. Enjoy!

Extra resources

Auto-translate filters

Auto-translate filters are a great way to “convert” certain types of symbols or numbers into the target format of your choice. Once the filter is activated, if a match is found, all you need to do is press CTRL and select the correct match to insert it. Never copy-paste again!

To add those filters to MemoQ, follow these steps:

1 – Go to Resource Console => Auto-translation rules
2 – Click on Import New and add the MQRES file
3 – You’re done! Don’t forget to add it to your projects through Project Settings => Auto-translation Rules and/or set it as a default resource.

Auto-translate filter to automatically add non-breaking spaces in FR number format (including before %)

Download here!

Convert certain types of extra symbols (such as m3, CO2, etc.) and French ordinal indicators (1er 2e etc.)

Download here!

Auto-translate (almost) any emoji* or special unicode character (such as •):

Download here! – Credit: Alfonso De Luca

*Most fonts do not support emoji display by default, and will show up as squares. However, they will retain their correct formatting once exported. If you want to see them in MemoQ, select the Segoe UI Emoji font in the Appearance settings.

Auto-translate any date:

Download here!

This filter automatically matches and convert any English date format into French. To adapt it into other languages, open the filter settings => Translation pairs tab and edit the each term as needed:


QueriaTMX is a lightning-fast PHP application for your TMX files created by my friend Josh Freeman, that can be integrated in any browser or tool that supports web queries (such as MemoQ Websearch) basically making it a sort of corpus-wide Concordance tool!

QueriaTMX was originally designed for my specific needs, but as some of my colleagues also expressed interest in the tool, Josh graciously open-sourced it. Check it out on Github:

Merging multiple Excel tabs in one

Lockits can be very messy, and performing imports for certain actions (such as creating a TM from existing data) can be time-consuming when said data is spread across dozens of tabs. To remedy that, I’ve compiled the following VBA macro, which will consolidate all the data from multiple tabs into a single tab. Follow the steps below:

  • First off, you must ensure that all the data is in the same order across all tabs: for example, column A is always English, column B is always French, and so on.
  • Save a copy of your lockit as XLSM (Excel Macro-neabled format)
  • Open the copy and go to Developer > Visual Basic
  • In the Visual Basic Editor, go to Insert > Module
  • This will open a blank window, in which you can paste the following code:
Sub ConsolidateTabs()
    Dim destSheet As Worksheet
    Dim lastRow As Long
    Dim lastCol As Long
    Dim srcSheet As Worksheet
    Dim destRow As Long
    ' Create a new worksheet for consolidated data
    Set destSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
    destSheet.Name = "Consolidated_Data"
    ' Initialize the destination row counter
    destRow = 1
    ' Loop through each worksheet in the workbook
    For Each srcSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        ' Exclude the consolidated sheet
        If srcSheet.Name <> destSheet.Name Then
            ' Find the last used row and column in the source sheet
            lastRow = srcSheet.Cells(srcSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
            lastCol = srcSheet.Cells(1, srcSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
            ' Copy data from source sheet to destination sheet
            srcSheet.Range(srcSheet.Cells(1, 1), srcSheet.Cells(lastRow, lastCol)).Copy _
                Destination:=destSheet.Cells(destRow, 1)
            ' Update the destination row counter
            destRow = destRow + lastRow
        End If
    Next srcSheet
    ' Auto-fit the columns in the consolidated sheet
    MsgBox "Consolidation complete!"
End Sub

Finally, save the macro and launch it using the play button or F5. You should get the message “Consolidation complete!”, and the consolidated data should appear under a new tab called Consolidated_Data. If you know how to make this process more user-friendly, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Other tips

Use mass-replace as an auto-propagate alternative:

Useful links

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